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Blog sale and update

Hey everyone! Well I've hit 100 followers :) Thank you so much!
I have a special giveaway I will be posting tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.

I wanted to post a little word of warning about internet scammers. This time of year is horrible for people trying to steal and get money for Christmas. Be careful, and don't buy from anyone unless they have lots of feedback.
I've recently been ripped off by somebody I've bought from before, and I'm rather put off by it.
So watch out! Some people have no shame or conscience :(

On that note, I'm having a blog sale to try and make back some of the money I've recently lost.
I will offer all my readers from makeup or morte 10% off your entire order just mention to me code : MORTE somewhere in your comment/email.
My sale is here on livejournal, but if you can't comment there just email me at lexx13mua at gmail.com and I will respond ASAP!
Thanks and well, I suppose I am back!!!

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