Welcome back, welcome if you are new, to Thursday Movie Picks, the wonderful series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. If you want to know more about, and/or participate, you can find everything you need to know here. This week we are picking movies starring real-life couples. It was not an easy week as I'm yet to see many of these films —Mr. & Mrs. Smith, The Green Lantern, to mention a few— so I had Mr. Google help me. Which made me realise how dumb I am for not thinking about my second and third pick.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
A young white woman (Katharine Houghton) returns home earlier from her vacation so that her parents (Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn) can meet her African-American fiance (Sidney Poitier).
A Quiet Place (2018)
In order to survive, a family lives in solitude and absolute silence as there's something lucking in the shadows that waits for noises to attack. It stars John Krasinski and his wife Emily Blunt.
Zelig (1983)
A mockumentary that follows the story of Leonard Zelig (Woody Allen), a man who becomes a celebrity in the 1920s due to his ability to look and act like the people around him. Mia Farrow plays a psychiatric who wants to help Zelig.
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