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Mama's Mani Madness! Avon nailwear pro+ Nail Enamel

Um... the title of this series is a work in progress; what can I say, I like alliteration! Anyway, I really enjoy nail polish and being able to experiment with different colors, designs, trends, and techniques all on my fingers and toes. To that effect, I'm always on the look out for new brands, formulas, colors, etc. to grow my ever expanding nail polish collection. As my photography skills improve (and if you lovelies request it of me), I will start to do swatches on my nails of different colors as I collect them. But to start off, I thought I'd share my discoveries with you with pictures of the bottles, etc. (Perhaps, I'll insert pictures of swatches at a later date; I'll keep you posted, if you promise to stay tuned!)

A selection from Avon's nailwear pro+ line. From l-r: barefoot beige, viva pink,  starry sky, decadence,  cosmic blue, and absinthe

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