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Sheet Masks: My Scheming and Papa Recipe


My Scheming is a Taiwanese brand and they have a large selection of sheet masks, not just of different formulas, but also different types of sheets. I bought all of mine on eBay, seller house_of_fashion.2013 with whom I have great experience. Prices for most are $1.80, some are $2.03 and Hello Kitty version is $2.47.

Classic Series Moisturizing Facial Mask 
Skin Clarifying Astringent
This one is praised as a saviour for skin with breakouts and problems with excessive oiliness. I got it just in case my skin has a freak-out, so that's when I used it.
Fit & Sheet: The classic series has a pretty standard sheet, material isn't stated in English on the pack, but I think it's cotton that's thin, but not utra thin like some sheet masks. The fit isn't bad on my petite face, just a bit big in the lower part, as a majority of sheet masks I've tried.
Essence: is very light, as expected for such a mask and it's absorbed quickly. At all My Scheming masks you have plenty of leftover essence that I use as a toner for the next few days.
Scent: medicinal, nothing special, but you can smell it when the mask is on the face.
Effect: I used it when I had a volcano forming on my chin, so one of those nasty pimples that just erupts full force and refuses to heal or disappear for a week. My chin felt itchy because of the infection before I used it and though it still tingled for the first 15 minutes, it then subsided. Once I removed it, the remains of the essence absorbed quickly and my skin started to feel tight, but it felt smooth, matte and dry to the touch. Pores looked the same and the spot didn't diminish immediately. By the morning the spot didn't look that much smaller, especially compared to COSRX patches which prevented it from becoming bad, but my skin was completely matte. In terms of oil control this is pretty brilliant. My skin isn't exactly oily, but I do get a shiny forehead and this kept it at bay really well. I wouldn't call it a mask for emergencies, but it's great for oily skin that just refuses to stay matte.
Ingredients: here.
Worth it? Not for me, only if my skin becomes very oily, but if you are having trouble keeping your skin matte, you might want to give this one a try.

Moisturizing Essence Series Facial Mask 
Oolong Tea Oil Cut Mask
I got this one for free and I didn't hear anything about it before I got it, but it claims to be rich with vitamin C and tea phenol. It promises to help regulate oiliness, improve blackheads and large pores, so this one is for acne-prone and oily skin.
Fit & Sheet: it's got a thin sheet, like other My Scheming masks I've tried and this one is almost invisible on the face. It's heavily saturated with the essence, so it sticks well and feels comfortable. Again it's a bit big on the lower part of the face.
Essence: like at most My Scheming masks, it's a light toner-like essence that absorbs fast. There is a lot of it and because the sheet is wrapped in an additional plastic coat, it drips like crazy when you take it out.
Scent: it's got a hospital/disinfectant scent, like a few other My Scheming masks.
Effect: about ten minutes after I took it off my skin started to feel tight (I haven't applied a moisturiser yet). Like at a lot of Asian masks I got that classic "my skin looks so healthy look", fresher and a bit brighter (due to niacinamide, but it wasn't like at brightening masks). A few smaller spots diminished by morning, but the large, more prominent one on my cheek remained the same. Pores didn't look smaller, nor did it help with blackheads. I'm thinking this one might have a better effect if you use it several times a week.
Ingredients: here.
Worth it? It's not bad, again as I said more for oily skin, but I wouldn't buy it again.

Invisible Mask Series Moisturizing Facial Mask 
L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening
This one and Mandelic Acid one are some of the most frequently mentioned as masks that have the best visible results. L-Ascorbic Acid promises to tackle uneven skin tone.
Fit & Sheet: It's one from the invisible series, so it's an ultra-thin one that's almost see-through, but not completely. It's also has one of those plastic wrappers, so when you open it it's super drippy. The fit is a bit large for my petite face.
Essence: very light and it absorbs fast leaving nothing behind, just as the two masks above plus the Mandelic one.
Scent: like bleach or cleansing supplies, basically it's like you just walked into a hospital.
Effect: I felt slight burning - a strange sensation considering my skin is very far from sensitive. After I took it off, I noticed no immediate results, but it was at least moisturising enough without leaving any residue behind. The next day maybe my skin was a bit more even, a bit smoother, but I'd say the biggest difference was in that it was a lot more matte than usual. Just like the two mentioned above, it's one of the mask that I'd say would be nice for oily skin.
Ingredients: here.
Worth it? I wasn't as thrilled about the results as a lot of others and it's again a mask for oily skin. Wouldn't repurchase.

Moisturizing Essence Series Facial Mask 
Mandelic acid
This was one of those that I was most excited to use because I heard a lot of positive things and it was the most frequently mentioned as a mask that has the best visible results. 
Fit & Sheet: I described the sheet for this series at Oooling Tea - thin sheet that's slightly too big for me around my chin. Again it's very saturated with essence and it dripped a lot as I was unfolding it.
Essence: Very light, like a toner and it absorbs very fast, leaving almost nothing behind - so the same as the other three above.
Scent: Again it smells like a hospital, in particular that disinfectant scent. This changes in time that's on the face in it becomes sour, like acid. That lingers afterwards, but I wasn't that bothered.
Effect: This is a mask that has the best immediate results and my mistake was that I used it before going to bed. It makes the skin much brighter and diminishes spots, as well as reduces redness. But it's not a particularly nourishing nor moisturising and I really wasn't happy with my skin in the morning because those creases you get from pillows were much more intense, also my smiles lines were more prominent. It was such a wrong time too because I was woken up abruptly the next morning, so in the next two minutes I was applying eyeliner and trying to get dressed, obviously no time for foundation before I rushed into a car and I just prayed my skin will unfold/un-crease into something resembling human before I reached the town. So I would recommend this only as a treatment right before a special event, especially if you have some spots, but as an overnight treatment use something that you know will add elasticity to the skin (like Banila serum or Nuxe oil).
Ingredients: here.
Worth it? I was a little bit let down and I find My Beauty Diary Black Pearl much better, but I might give it another chance.

Hello Kitty Series Moisturizing Hydrating Essence Facial Mask
Black Pearl Brightening
I got this for the packaging, obviously, but also because Black Pearl from My Beauty Diary is one of my favourites and I hoped this one works about the same. It's a limited edition one and it exists in three versions of what I think are My Scheming's most popular versions (aside from Pearl, it's Hyaluron and Snail Essence). It has a cute Hello Kitty pattern of the sheet with a bow and whiskers, which just makes it so cute.
Fit & Sheet: It's a classic My Scheming, like at Astringent -thin, but large for my face, so it was creasy a lot. It has a bow and whiskers pattern on the sheet, however, it's in a pale peach shade, so unfortunately not that visible especially when wet.
Essence: a light, toner-like essence that's quickly absorbed. It reminds me a lot of MBD Black Pearl.
Scent: Nothing special or noticeable, but it's not medicinal like the other My Scheming masks.
Effect: This one made my skin instantly more bright and even, also nicely nourished without any tightness that I experienced from some masks above. Its effect is indeed very similar to MBD Black Pearl, so I liked it, only the sheet isn't as nice-fitting as MBD.
Ingredients: here.
Worth it? It's not as good as My Beauty Diary's version, but similar. It's worth it, but I'd rather buy MBD because it's smaller. 

PAPA RECIPE Bombee Masks
I've already raved about the original Bombee Honey mask, which was at the time my favourite mask ever, that was until I tried the extended range of Bombees. I embarked on a mission to try all the different versions, decide which one is best and then order a full pack. Two versions impressed me even more than the original, which I shared in my past monthly favourites, while the other two weren't quite as nice, but still some of the best sheet masks I've ever tried. If you're a sheet mask enthusiast, I really recommend you try these, though these are not easy to find as some others. I got individual ones on eBay ($3.95-6.15, seller: mystery_ju) and now I ordered a full pack on Sweet Corea (still waiting for the parcel).

Bombee Honey Mask
I already reviewed this one in detail, but as I said it's one of my favourite ones ever, so I repurchased it despite the high price. It does everything I want and it makes my skin look fantastic. It has very similar effects as MBD Black Pearl and TSF Snow White in a way that the skin looks more even, with less pronounced redness, it's smooth, hydrated and happy. It's popular for a reason. Review here.
Ingredients: Here.
Worth it? 100%

Bombee Whitening Honey Mask
I tend to enjoy brightening/whitening masks the most, though the original Bombee is brightening enough on my skin already, but this one truly wins for me. It has niacinamide high on the list.
Sheet & fit: Fit is the same as original, so it's ok for me, it's only a little bit big around the chin as a great majority of masks. The sheet is one of those thin ones, though not completely invisible on the face as some are.
Essence: similar as at original it's a light toner-like formula, but leaves a lightly damp/tacky layer. You have plenty of leftover essence that I use as a toner for the next few days.
Scent: A great honey scent, a bit creamy. I enjoyed it a lot.
Effect: This is a fantastic mask that not just evens outs the skin, but actually brightens. I think this is the first time I notice a mask lightening a mark from a spot. Skin is both nourished, calmed and super soft, truly I could not help but admire the condition of my skin in the morning and went for a no foundation day, only my circles were still a problem. 
Ingredients: Here.
Worth it? Absolutely. I already ordered a full pack of these. 

Bombee Rose Gold Honey Mask Pack
This one has a  high content of Damascus rose, which is also said to be brightening, but the main feature is the rose gold mesh design it has. 
Sheet & fit: Fit is the same as original, so it's ok for me, it's only a little bit big around the chin. The sheet has the most beautiful gold honeycomb design that just looks so luxurious. That's what I call a proper treat.
Essence: is the same as the original and whitening version - light, but leaves a lightly damp/tacky layer.
Scent: I get mostly honey, but here it's mixed with something, probably rose, but it's definitely not a granny type of rose and I actually like this combo.
Effect: It's another brilliant one that evens out the skin tone by calming everything down, it nourishes and leaves the skin super soft. I had this annoying spot on my chin that just refused to calm down (I started using one new item of skin care which was very likely the cause why it appeared and refused to heal) and this just toned it down significantly. 
Ingredients: Here.
Worth it? Definitely, especially if you enjoy that your skin care looks pretty too. I'm planning on getting more of these.

Bombee Black Honey Mask Pack
A black sheet version of the Bombee masks, which contains propolis and manuka honey extract.
Sheet & fit: I wasn't a fan of the sheet. Yeah, it's black and it looks cool, but the material wasn't soft, it was too much like regular paper. Fit was ok, but I didn't like how much of the area around the nose wasn't covered. If you're looking for a great black sheet, try Sexy Look's.
Essence: I heard it has a black essence and that it can stain, but mine was clear with just a hint of grey tint and just like at the other versions, it's light and it leaves a slight damp/tacky layer that absorbs fast.
Scent: exactly the same as at original, a nice honey scent that is noticeable.
Effect: About the same as at the original, though it wasn't quite as good, possibly because the product evaporated from the sheet too fast instead of absorb in the skin. But in general the skin was nourished, more even and healthy looking. Even though it's my least favourite Papa Recipe Bombee, it's still one of the best sheet masks I've tried.
Ingredients: Here.
Worth it? It's nice and it works about the same as the original, but the sheet isn't as nice. Still if you find these are the cheapest version, go for it.

Bombee Ginseng Red Honey Oil Mask Pack
Ginseng is one of the most treasured ingredients in K-beauty and I also liked the idea it's an oily essence. It's more expensive than the rest of Bombees.
Sheet & fit: This one felt more paper-like than the original sheet and it was more rigid which was apparent as it dried. It also didn't stay wet for as long as others. There are herb bits on it, but not much and they are small, so it looks like someone added some tea in it.
Essence: initially it feels the same as other Papa Recipe ones, so light and fast absorbing, yet nourishing, but this one leaves a light oily feeling once it dries on the skin. 
Scent: it's almost exactly like Angel fragrance. Oriental with heavy herbal notes (it's just like patchouli) and some honey. It's a strong scent, so it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
Effect: While it initially feels more nourishing than other versions, my cheeks weren't as hydrated as I hoped they'd be in the morning (I used it on its own, no extra care). Otherwise it's the same as the rest of Papa Recipe, so my skin looked like a picture of health in the morning - happy and more even with a refined skin texture.
Ingredients: Here.
Worth it? Others are nicer, though maybe using it long-term would give the ginseng more chance to show its power. Considering it's more expensive and the scent is not that yummy honey one, I wouldn't buy it anymore instead of others.  You'll like this best if you're a fan of oriental scents and you like the mask to leave an oily filter behind.

One more version exists called Papa Bombee Honey Butter Cream Mask which I have yet to try. I hear it has a creamy essence and that it's very nourishing.

Have a great day!

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